Doctored Money Blog

Residency Program Salaries Around the Country


A year and a half ago we started an ambitious project; we attempted to aggregate housestaff salaries at every US program. We collected and organized salary data from many hundreds of programs, and organized them by specialty for easy reference. We also began to collect some pilot data concerning 401k/403b and other benefit information. You can see our results at this page, for 2018-2019 salaries. We felt this information would show medical students the wide range of salaries across programs, and also allow them to pre-calculate things such as taxes and prepare potential budgets for each potential city they might match in to. For example, the higher salaries in some high cost of living areas often don’t make up for the increased costs. In addition, for those seeking PSLF, a higher salary results in higher loan payments and decreases affordability and can also potentially decreases future forgiveness.

Click to go directly to the data

Click to go directly to the data

We also wondered whether making salaries readily comparable might cause programs to increase salaries to stay competitive. Or perhaps the opposite, by making collusion among programs easier. Hmmm…


There is no update.

We are writing this post to announce that we do not anticipate updating the page with 2019-2020. It turns out that it was difficult to find GME salary data on the program websites, and very few places returned our calls and emails requesting such information. We suspect they thought Doctored Money was a commercial endeavor and thought our email was spam (which is understandable). In addition, there did not seem to be demand for this information (at least as measured in web-traffic or links to the page on the web). Thus, we feel our our time is better spent on our other educational and advocacy activities.


Any volunteers?

BUT, if there are any medical students (or others!) that think this data is useful, and would like to help out with collecting the information, we’d be happy to keep the page current. Send us an email at our “contact us” link.


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