2019 Taxes? Intern? We can help.
We’ve updated our tax pages to include taxes information for 2019. We have a walkthrough of taxes for interns, with a sample “1040” for a non-married intern. We can’t help with the mechanics of entering the information in to tax-prep software, but we can ensure your output looks reasonable. In addition, even if you use a paid tax preparer, you still need to ensure the taxes are done correctly. And of course, you need to be educated about how taxes work despite your choice to outsource the preparation.
Tax Pages
Go to our main Tax page to see the list of topics. We suggest digging in an learning about your W2 form. It’s fascinating, really, ok, not really, but important. You can also read about W4 and withholding rules. And be sure to use the sample 1040 above and follow along with the explanation of all the relevant lines. Welcome to the world of taxes! We know you are thrilled. But always remember, only people with income pay income taxes. Go back to school and your tax problem will disappear. Your loan problem on the other hand, well…
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